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Moving the Collection List Heading Left in the Shrine Pro Theme A Journey of Design Discovery

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    Entaice Braintrust

Moving the Collection List Heading Left in the Shrine Pro Theme: A Journey of Design Discovery

When I think back to my days of tinkering with website themes, a particular episode comes to mind. Picture this: a crisp autumn morning with a coffee mug warming my hand and a laptop open to a draft Shopify theme. I was like a digital sculptor, trying to mold bits and bytes into something beautiful. Funny enough, the problem was always in the details, like how to relocate a simple heading — just like the conundrum posted on Shopify's forums. Our journey today mirrors that: a quest to shift the Collection List heading to the left in the Shrine Pro theme. Sounds mundane, but just you wait!

Setting the Scene

Before we embark on our technical journey, let's set the stage. In our case, the Shrine Pro theme is our canvas. The goal? Make the collection list heading gracefully slide to the left — a dance move for the digital age inspired by, without spilling the coffee or the code.

Step 1: Enter the Code Editor

Our story begins in the code editor, Shopify’s secret garden. Access it by navigating to Online Store > Themes, then click Customize. Once in, find the Edit Code option. It's like stepping into the wardrobe of Narnia, with less snow and more code.

Step 2: Locate the CSS File

In this enchanted forest of files, find the theme.css.liquid or theme.scss.liquid file under the Assets directory. This magical scroll determines how our website looks and feels.

/* Search for this specific piece of code */
.collection-list {
    text-align: center; /* Or wherever it might be aligned */

Change its destiny by altering that alignment line. Our aim: to give the heading a nudge to the left.

.collection-list {
  text-align: left;

Ah, the art of alignment — it’s like the gentle embrace of the right direction.

The Dance of Layouts

As our exploits continue, we venture forth into the structure. On this leg of our journey, we might need to gently adjust some HTML for perfect balance. Behold, the Sections folder beckons.

Step 3: Tinker with the Section File

Find the file that governs the collection list's existence, often named something like collection-list.liquid. Inside this sacred text, our focus is the header element.

<h2 class="collection-list-title">{{ section.settings.title }}</h2>

Adding a class or altering it may be necessary — bold as brass — to achieve harmonious alignment.

<h2 class="collection-list-title text-left">{{ section.settings.title }}</h2>

Ensure that any newly-added class dances along with your CSS changes. Sometimes, a gentle nudge in the code is all one needs to tip the balance in favor of the left side.

Subtle Final Adjustments

No saga is complete without its careful wrap-up. Our leftward journey concludes with a glance back at our creation.

Step 4: Review and Refresh

Now, this wouldn't be a proper tale if we didn't double-check our handiwork. Click Preview and examine the alignment with a scrutinizing gaze. In case the text stubbornly resists leftward migration, consider confronting it with a browser refresh — a formality in technical diplomacy.

Our Heroic Conclusion

And so, dear reader, we’ve journeyed together, moving the immovable — the collection list heading — toward the left with the grace of a seasoned artisan. Perhaps the coffee has cooled by now, but in its place, a spark of creative joy, a mission accomplished with hands-on tenacity.

In the grand tapestry of web design, it’s small changes like these that make us all artists. It’s not just about the code—though the code is important—but more about how these subtle changes, often overlooked, can breathe life into a blank digital canvas. Here’s to us, brave adventurers in the world of website theming. Let’s make our sites reflect just a touch more of the human side of genius, together. Cheers!