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How to Update Your Shopify Collection URL Like a Pro

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey, guess what? Changing the URL of a collection on your Shopify store isn't just about clicking around and hoping for the best. It's about making a strategic move to boost your store's SEO, making your links more user-friendly, and ensuring your branding hits the mark everywhere.

So, why do you think someone would dive into the web searching for "shopify change collection url"? Well, maybe they've rebranded, honed their SEO strategy, or possibly they just made a typo setting up their store. Whatever the reason, changing those URLs is like fine-tuning a guitar; get it right, and the music flows better!

Let’s break it down.

Understanding the Why Before the How

Before you even think about touching that URL, it’s crucial to know why you are doing it. Is it to make the URL cleaner? SEO-driven? Or is it simply because "summer-collection-2021" feels a tad outdated? Remember, every change in URL can temporarily affect your Google ranking, so this isn’t just busywork—it has a purpose.

Prepping for Change

First things first, backup your data. In the rare event that something goes sideways, you don't want to be caught without a safety net. Shopify usually handles most of the heavy lifting, but taking screenshots or jotting down the current state of things doesn’t hurt either.

Also, consider the timing of the change. Planning to switch up URLs during the holiday shopping season or a major sale? Might want to rethink that. These are times when stability is key for your shop’s performance both in user experience and in SEO standings.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your URLs

Step 1: Dive into the Shopify Admin

Access your Shopify admin panel. It’s your command center. From here, navigate to the Products section, and click on Collections. Got it? Great.

Now, choose the collection whose URL needs a makeover and click on it.

Step 2: Tweak the Handle

Once you’re viewing the collection, look for something called the handle. This is tech-speak for the tail end of your URL that specifies your collection's webpage. For instance, if the URL is, the handle would be summer-breeze.

Click into the Edit website SEO section at the bottom of the page to change this handle. When you edit this part, Shopify automatically updates your URL to match it.

Step 3: Redirects – Your SEO Lifesavers

Changing a URL can lead to what we call ‘404 errors’—dead ends for customers and Google’s crawlers. Not good. So, you’ll want to set up redirects. Shopify usually prompts you to do this after you change the handle, but double-check.

Add a URL redirect in the Shopify admin under Online Store > Navigation > URL Redirects. Here, you input the old URL under “Redirect from” and the new URL under “Redirect to.” This tells browsers and Google, "Hey, we’ve moved this over here," maintaining your SEO juice and customer flow.

Step 4: Test It Out

Don’t skip this step. Seriously. Once everything’s updated, go through your store like you’re a customer. Click on every link that could be affected, especially in places like your blogs, social media pages, and anywhere else this collection might be linked. Everything working smoothly? Perfect!

After the URL Change

Monitor. Keep an eye on your site’s performance through tools like Google Analytics. Check if traffic behaviors change or if any errors pop up frequently. SEO might dip slightly but don’t panic; if done right, it should climb back up.

Also, update your sitemap. This helps Google understand the new structure faster, speeding up the adjustment period for search engines.

Wrapping Up

That’s a lot, I know. But once you've done this a couple of times, it’s like biking through your neighborhood. Easy, breezy, and sometimes actually kind of fun in a geeky way.

Remember, the way you set up your store—from URLs to user interfaces—shapes the customer experience. It’s not just about aesthetics but about making everything work harmoniously. Think of your store as an orchestra; every element, from the piccolos to the cellos, needs to be in tune. That's when the magic happens.

So, go out there, change those URLs, but more importantly, understand the strings you’re pulling when you do. Good luck!