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Navigating Shopify Collection Redirects Like a Pro

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey there! So, you typed “Shopify collection all redirect” into your search bar. I’m guessing you're trying to figure out a way to steer your Shopify store’s traffic from one collection page to another without confusing your customers or messing with your SEO rankings, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Why Redirects?

First off, let’s chat about why redirects are worth your attention. Imagine you’re renovating your store – not just a new paint job but knocking down some walls and maybe adding a cool loft. Now, if your customers showed up one morning and found the place a mess, they’d be confused, maybe a bit annoyed, right? Redirects in the web world are like putting up those friendly “We’ve moved” signs. They help guide your visitors to where they need to go when the old link they clicked on doesn’t quite exist in the same way anymore.

When to Use Redirects

Redirects on Shopify come into play under a few common scenarios:

  • Rebranding: You’re refreshing your store and your old product collections don’t make sense anymore.
  • SEO strategy change: You’re optimizing your collections' URLs for better visibility.
  • Product updates: Products get discontinued, and you want to redirect customers to newer models or versions.
  • Merging collections: Sometimes less is more. Merging smaller, related collections into a more robust category makes for cleaner navigation.

How to Set Up Redirects

Alright, let’s roll up our sleeves and get into how to actually set these redirects up in Shopify. Shopify makes this process straightforward, but there are nuances to get it just right.

Step-by-Step Redirect

  1. Access Redirects: Go to your Shopify admin page. On the left sidebar, click on ‘Online Store’ and then select ‘Navigation’. You’ll find a section named ‘URL Redirects’ right there. Click on it.

  2. Create Redirect: Hit the ‘Create URL redirect’ button. Shopify will ask you for two pieces of information:

    • Redirect from: Here’s where the old URL goes, the one you want to redirect from. Just the tail end of the URL, not the whole domain name.
    • Redirect to: This is the new destination URL for this redirect.
  3. Implement and Test: Once you input the URLs, hit ‘Save redirect’. Boom! Now give it a test by going to the old URL to see if it seamlessly hops to the new page.

Advanced Tips

  • Keep Track: Always keep a spreadsheet or a document where you track your old and new URLs. It’s easy to get lost.
  • Check for Errors: Use tools like Google Search Console to see if there are any crawl errors that might be affecting your site after implementing redirects.

Redirect Best Practices

Even though setting up redirects is straightforward, there’s a bit of craft involved. Here are some golden rules:

  • Avoid Chains: Like in a game of telephone, the more steps in the communication, the messier it gets. If you redirect a page to another redirected page, it slows down load times and can confuse both users and search engines.
  • Update Links: Whenever possible, update the actual links on your site to point to the new URLs directly.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on your site’s performance and SEO rankings after effects to ensure there are no adverse impacts.

In Practice

Let’s make this real quick. Say you have an old collection called /collections/summer-2022, and you’re updating it to a snazzy new /collections/summer-2023. Here’s how it can look:

  • Old URL: /collections/summer-2022
  • New URL: /collections/summer-2023

This setup not only helps keep your site tidy but boosts user experience by helping them find what they need without hitting dead ends.

Wrap Up

Redirects are all about making transitions as smooth as possible — not just for SEO but for real human beings who visit your store. By managing these effectively, you ensure that neither Google nor your customers get lost in the shuffle. Remember, in the digital world, every click should take someone where they expect to go – no less thrilling than a magic portal, just a lot more practical.

So, give it a whirl and set up those redirects. Done right, it’s like telling your customers, “Hey, I’ve got something even better for you this way!” Keep tracking, tweaking, and optimizing, and you’ll keep your Shopify store humming beautifully. Cheers to a smoother, smarter eCommerce journey!