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Deconstructing Shopify Collections of Collections

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey there! So, you're trying to wrap your head around this whole 'Shopify collection of collections' thing, right? Let’s say you’ve been running an e-commerce shop and you’re looking to make your site more navigable. That’s probably why you stumbled upon this term. It’s a bit like trying to organize a massive digital closet. So, how do you make finding things easier for your shoppers? Let me walk you through it.

Now, Shopify doesn’t directly offer a “collection of collections” feature. But don't let that discourage you. We can work around this! By understanding how to cleverly use the existing tools, you can mimic this functionality and make your store as neat as a new pin.

Let's start simple. Imagine you sell apparel. You've got collections for men's wear, women's wear, hats, shoes—you get the idea. Each of these is a collection. But what if someone is specifically looking for winter clothing across all these categories? Here’s where you wish you had a 'collection of collections' that just shows all things winter.

Breaking It Down: Collections in Shopify

In Shopify, a collection is basically a way to group products. It makes browsing easier for customers who are looking for a specific type of item. You can create a collection for new arrivals, sale items, or even seasonal products.

Now, while Shopify doesn’t allow you to directly create a collection of collections, we can simulate this. Let’s walk through a plan.

Step 1: Understand Your Inventory

Before diving into any technical setup, it's crucial to completely understand what you're selling. Break down your inventory by categories and subcategories. For example, main category = Apparel, subcategories = Men’s Wear, Women’s Wear, Kids’ Wear.

Step 2: Set Up Basic Collections

This part is easy. Just hop into your Shopify admin, go to ‘Products’, and then to ‘Collections’. Click on ‘Create collection’ and set up your basic collections like Men's Wear, Women's Wear, etc. Use either automatic conditions or manually pick the products for each collection.

Step 3: Tagging Products Effectively

Here’s a neat trick. Use tags wisely. If you tag all winter-related items across categories with a "Winter" tag, you can later create a smart collection that automatically groups all winter items together.

Step 4: Create Smart Collections

A smart collection uses conditions to automatically include matching products. So, create a new smart collection named “Winter Essentials”. Set the condition to include products tagged with "Winter". Voila! You now have a collection that virtually represents a 'collection of collections'.

Benefits of This Setup

This approach keeps your store organized and makes it easier to manage inventory. Plus, it enhances user experience. Customers looking for winter essentials don’t need to sift through unrelated items.

Potential Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

1. Over-tagging: If you tag extensively, things might get confusing. Stick to necessary tags. 2. Not updating collections: Make it a routine to update collections as new products come in or as tags change.

Expanding This Approach

Think big. Why stop at seasons? Use events, such as 'Back to School' or 'Summer Adventures', to create themed collections. Remember, the goal is to make navigating your store as smooth and intuitive as possible.

Let’s draw a bit from Shape Up, a book by Basecamp. The idea there is about shaping your work in a way that it becomes manageable and practical. Similarly, shaping your Shopify store to be intuitive doesn't just help your customers, it also streamlines your workflow. You manage fewer, smarter collections that automatically update based on the tags.

To drop in a bit from Atomic Habits by James Clear – imagine making these small changes in how you manage collections as tiny habits that you add to your e-commerce routine. These might seem like small tweaks, but just like habits, they compound into significant impacts over time.


While Shopify might not directly offer a 'collection of collections', with a bit of creativity and smart use of features, you can effectively implement this functionality. It's all about making the shopping experience as friendly as possible for your customers.

Remember, you’ve got the tools and now the know-how. All that’s left is for you to shape these into solutions that fit your unique store. Happy organizing!