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Mastering Shopify Collection URLs

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey! So you’re curious about Shopify collection URLs, right? It sounds like you want to get the hang of organizing your online store more effectively or perhaps you're looking to optimize your site's search engine visibility. Either way, you came to the right place. Let’s break this down into chewable pieces.

What Exactly is a Shopify Collection URL?

In the world of Shopify, a "collection" is simply a way to group products. Think of it like a category in a grocery store—fruits in one place, bread in another.

The URL, or web address for these collections, serves as a direct line to this grouped batch of products. Why is this useful? Well, if your store categorizes products (and most do), a good URL structure can make life easier for both your customers and search engines.

Why Care About Your Collection URL?

Imagine typing a messy, jumbled web address to find your favorite books online and ending up in the electronics section. Annoying, right? A straightforward and predictable URL helps prevent these mix-ups.

It goes beyond convenience, too. Search engines like Google love clarity. A clear URL that says '/collections/womens-dresses' tells Google exactly what the page is about, potentially boosting your SEO rank.

Crafting the Perfect Collection URL

So, how do you make these URLs friendlier? Here’s where we get our hands slightly dirty (but not too much, I promise!).

Step 1: Setting Up Your Collection

Firstly, if you haven’t already set up a collection in Shopify, you'll need to do that. Go to your Shopify admin, click on ‘Products’, and then ‘Collections’. Click ‘Create Collection’ and fill in the details. Name it something obvious and straightforward. 'Summer Dresses', ‘Gaming Laptops’, or whatever fits your inventory.

Step 2: The Nitty-Gritty of URLs

After you name your collection, Shopify usually auto-generates a URL based on this name. This automatic URL is often usable as-is. But say you named your collection "All the stuff for summer 2023" — this turns into a lengthy and less searchable URL: '/collections/all-the-stuff-for-summer-2023'.

Simplify it. Edit it to something like '/collections/summer-2023'. Short, sweet, and SEO-friendly.

Step 3: Managing and Editing URLs

What if you need to change a URL later? Shopify has your back, but with a slight caution. Changing a URL after it's been set up and circulated can affect SEO and existing customer bookmarks. If you must change a URL, redirect the old one to the new one in the Shopify admin under ‘Online Store’ > ‘Navigation’. This tells search engines and visitors, “Hey, we’ve moved this, but here’s the way!”

Optimizing URLs for SEO

Keywords matter. Having key product-related terms in your collection URL can enhance visibility. However, avoid stuffing keywords. Google is smart and doesn’t like being tricked.

URL Strategies - Keeping It Real

Here are some final tidbits to keep your URLs looking and working great:

  • Consistency is key: Maintain a standard URL structure across your store. It helps customers and boosts SEO.
  • Keep it lower case: This avoids duplicate URL issues.
  • Use hyphens, not underscores: Search engines prefer hyphens. It helps them understand separation between words.
  • Avoid unnecessary words: Words like ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘or’ don’t add search engine value and can clutter your URL.


Think of handling your Shopify collection URLs as tending a garden. It doesn’t require you to hover over it every day, but a little pruning and thoughtful care can help everything bloom beautifully—both for your user experience and your SEO.

Remember, every piece connects. A cleanly designed URL not only helps in keeping your shop organized but also paves the path for your products to be discovered and enjoyed. Start implementing these straightforward strategies today, and you’ll soon see the difference in how both customers and search engines respond to your store. Happy selling!