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Effortlessly Group All Your Products on Shopify

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey! If you’ve landed on the idea of creating a collection in Shopify that houses all of your products, you're probably trying to simplify how your customers browse through your store. Maybe you want to highlight everything in a single, convenient place during a mega sale or just make your store’s navigation more intuitive. Whatever your reason, let’s walk through this together.

Why Create a 'One Collection Fits All'?

Imagine walking into a massive department store with everything from guitars to gardening tools but nothing is sorted. Overwhelming, right? Now, think of a Shopify store where customers can see everything in a well-organized collection – much better! This collection could serve multiple purposes, including:

  • Sales and promotions: Push out a store-wide sale effortlessly without selecting products one by one.
  • Simplicity: Especially for new visitors who are not looking for something specific, an “All Products” collection provides a straightforward path to browse your entire catalog.
  • Inventory management: It’s easier to keep an eye on everything you offer in one spot.

Setting It Up

Enough chit-chat, let’s set this up. Here’s how to create a collection in Shopify with all your products:

  1. Log into Shopify: Start on the homepage of your Shopify admin. This is your mission control!

  2. Navigate to Products: You’ll see a sidebar on the left, click on 'Products'. This area lets you manage everything inventory-related.

  3. Access Collections: Under 'Products', find ‘Collections’ and click on it. Picture collections like big boxes where your products can be grouped.

  4. Create Collection: Hit the ‘Create collection’ button. This is where the magic starts!

  5. Collection Details:

    • Title: Name it something straightforward like "All Products".
    • Description: This is optional but you can add details like “Every single item we offer!” to give more context.
  6. Add Products:

    • The trick here is setting conditions that automatically include all present and future products. Under 'Collection type', select ‘Automated’.
    • Set the condition to something that every product you list meets. For instance, you can use 'Product price is greater than $0' or 'Inventory stock is greater than 0'. This means every product with a price or stock will automatically be included in this collection.
  7. Save: Don’t forget to hit ‘Save’! Allowing changes to take effect.

What About Future Products?

Here’s the beauty of setting the automated condition — any new product you add that meets this condition will automatically be scooped up into this collection. It’s like a magic net that catches every product you throw into your Shopify ocean.

Some Pro Tips

  • Regular Checks: Even though automation is cool, occasionally check the collection to ensure everything is working as it should. A quick peek won’t hurt!
  • Visibility: Think about who needs to see this collection. If it’s for a special event or sale, you might toggle its visibility settings accordingly.
  • Customization: Don't forget, Shopify allows you to customize how products are displayed. You can sort by best-selling, alphabetically, etc., depending on what makes sense for your shoppers.

Final Thought

Setting up an all-encompassing product collection in Shopify isn’t just about making things easier for your customers; it’s a smooth move for managing your store too. With the setup done, your "All Products" collection acts like a one-stop shop that showcases everything you offer, without the hassle of picking and choosing what to include every time you add new products.

And there you have it! A less tangled way to manage and present your products, making life simpler for you and your browsing customers. Dive into your Shopify dashboard and give it a go—set up your very own universal collection and watch how it transforms the shopping experience on your site. How satisfying does that sound? Have fun experimenting!