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Mastering the Art of Displaying Multiple Collections on One Page in Shopify

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey! I see you're trying to spice up your Shopify store by putting multiple collections onto one page. I bet you're looking to make your store not just more navigable but also visually appealing, right? Let’s unpack how to achieve this in a way that feels less like dealing with a complex software update and more like organizing your favorite playlist.

Why Bother with Multiple Collections on One Page?

Think about walking into a neatly organized store where things are so well arranged that you find what you need in a snap—pleasant, isn't it? That's the experience your online shoppers are looking for: no fuss, just easy shopping. By placing different but related collections (like beachwear, summer hats, and cool sunglasses) all on one page, you can guide your customers through a curated selection of products that might appeal to them, increasing the likelihood they'll buy more.

Starting with the Basics

Before jumping into the how-to’s, remember, the aim here is to structure your page in a way that it feels almost intuitive to your visitors. The method we’re diving into involves some minor tinkering, say like arranging your workspace in a way that everything you frequently need is just an arm’s reach away.

1. Understand Your Theme

Shopify comes with a variety of themes, and each one plays by its own rules. First, figure out if your theme natively supports displaying multiple collections on a single page. To check this, dive into your Shopify admin panel, and:

  • Go to Online Store > Themes.
  • Pick your current theme, click Customize.
  • Play around in the editor to see if there's a section for adding multiple collections.

If your theme doesn’t support it right out of the box, don’t worry! Let’s get a bit crafty.

2. Custom Collections Page

Build a Grid Layout

This is where we make use of a workaround by creating a custom collections page that includes a grid layout, each representing a different collection. We’ll need to edit some code, but hey, no panic! Here’s a simplified step-by-step:

  • From Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit code.
  • Add a new template: Click on Add a new template, select page, and name it something like multi-collections.
  • Inside this new template, paste the following simplified code: (Remember, always make a backup of your theme before editing code!)
{% layout 'theme' %}

{% assign collections = 'summer-hats, beachwear, sunglasses' | split: ', ' %}

<div class="collections-grid">
  {% for collection_handle in collections %}
    {% assign collection = collections[collection_handle] %}
    <div class="collection">
      <h2>{{ collection.title }}</h2>
      <div class="products">
        {% for product in collection.products limit: 3 %}
          <div class="product">
            <a href="{{ product.url }}">
              <img src="{{ product.featured_image | img_url: '300x300' }}" alt="{{ product.title }}">
              <p>{{ product.title }} - {{ product.price | money_without_currency }} $</p>
        {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
  • Save your changes and assign this template to a new or existing page through your Shopify admin by navigating to Pages > Add page and selecting page.multi-collections from the template suffix dropdown.

Now that you have a fancy new page showcasing multiple collections, let’s ensure people actually get there. Include navigation links in your site’s header, footer, or wherever it feels organic.

  • Go to Online Store > Navigation to update your menu settings.
  • Add a menu item linking directly to your new page. This makes your multiple collections just one click away for curious shoppers.

Tweaking for Better Performance

With your collections neatly displayed, think about the little adjustments that can make a big difference. Maybe images are too large and slow to load? Compress them. Text too dull? Spice it up! The devil’s indeed in the details.

Closing Thoughts

Setting up multiple collections on one page in Shopify can give your store a more streamlined, professional look while potentially nudging up those sales. You've got the basics down now—start experimenting to see what layout, style, and collections resonate most with your customers.

Keep tweaking, keep optimizing, and most importantly, keep it user-friendly. Good luck with your Shopify venture!