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How to Shake Up Your Shopify Store with Randomized Collections

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey there! Picture this: you’re diving back into your favorite online store, but this time, something's different. Every visit feels fresh, sparking that exciting treasure hunt vibe. You’re thinking, "What’s new today?" That's the magic of randomizing collections on a Shopify store.

So, why would you, or anyone, search for “Shopify randomize collection”? Simple. As a store owner, keeping your storefront dynamic and engaging directly influences customer retention and satisfaction. Shuffling products stimulates curiosity and can drive more sales by exposing customers to items they might not have stumbled upon otherwise.

Understanding the Shuffle: Why Randomize?

Imagine visiting the same small bookstore every week, where the bestsellers are always front and center. Predictable, right? Now, imagine if every time you visited, the books were shuffled. That rare book you didn’t notice last time could catch your eye today. Randomizing collections in a digital store has a similar effect: it keeps the browsing experience lively and prevents your storefront from becoming stale.

Getting Technical - How Does It Work?

Shopify doesn’t come with a built-in feature to automatically randomize collections, but with a bit of tweaking, you can achieve this effortlessly.

Step 1: The Setup

First things first: you need to access your Shopify admin panel. Here’s where all the magic starts. Head over to the “Products” section and then into “Collections.” Pick or create a collection you’d like to randomize.

Step 2: Dive into Liquid

Shopify uses a templating language called Liquid to build its themes. You’ll need to tweak your theme’s code a bit. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple. Go to “Online Store,” and then “Themes.” Find your current theme, click on “Actions,” and then “Edit code.”

Step 3: Find the Right File

Most of the magic happens in a file often named collection.liquid or sometimes it’s embedded within theme.liquid. Use the search bar to find it. This file controls how products are displayed within collections.

Step 4: Shuffle Time

Locate the section in the file where products are looped through, typically something like {% for product in collection.products %}. You’re going to adjust this loop by adding a shuffling filter. Modify it to:

{% assign random_products = collection.products | shuffle %}
{% for product in random_products %}

This tiny bit of code uses the shuffle filter to randomly mix up the product array every time the page loads.

Step 5: Preview and Test

Before you go live, preview your changes. Shopify offers a handy tool to see what your changes look like in real-time. Click on “Preview” in the theme editor and navigate to any of the collections you’ve set to randomize. Satisfied with what you see? Awesome, hit “Save” and you’re all set.

Why Go Random?

Besides the apparent novelty and engagement, randomizing collections can subtly impact shopping behavior. Just like building tiny habits can reshape personal productivity and behaviors (a nod to Atomic Habits), slight changes in how products are presented can lead to significant behavioral shifts in consumers. They might spend more time on the store, explore sections they usually ignore, or discover products that they didn’t know you offered.

What About User Experience?

Great question. Balancing randomness with user experience is crucial. You don’t want your store to become a labyrinth where items are too hard to find. Consider using randomness selectively. Maybe only shuffle some collections, or use other user-friendly features like filters and search options to maintain navigability.


Injecting a bit of randomness can refresh the look and feel of your Shopify store, making each visit unique for your customers. It’s a strategic tweak that, when implemented wisely, can enhance the shopping experience, increase engagement, and potentially boost sales.

Give it a go! Play around with the positions of your collections, track how it impacts visitor behavior, and adjust accordingly. Remember, great stores always find ways to keep things interesting and user-friendly at the same time. Good luck, and here’s to a more dynamic and exciting digital storefront!