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Streamlining Your Shopify URL for a Cleaner Look

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey friend,

Navigating the world of online store setup can feel like tweaking a Rubik's cube—just when you think you've got it, there's a new twist waiting for you. Today, let's unravel one such twist: those clunky Shopify URLs that inherently include 'collections' in them. Why might you want to streamline them, you ask? Well, for a start, cleaner URLs are easier on the eyes, better for SEO, and can make your website feel more custom and less 'template-y'.

The 'Why' Behind the Desire to Tweak URLs

Imagine you’ve just launched your dream Shopify store. Every product photo is crisp, the descriptions are on point, and your store design is top-notch. But then, you notice your product URLs look like this: A bit messy, right? It’s like getting the perfect outfit together, then having to wear a mismatched pair of socks. Not a deal breaker, but something's off.

Cleaning up these URLs to something sleek like can improve user experience and help with your site’s SEO. Simply put, URLs matter more than we sometimes think. They are integral in how search engines and humans perceive your site.

Starting With Small Steps - The Plan

In the spirit of Atomic Habits, where small changes lead to big results, let's begin this process with incremental steps.

Step 1: Assess the Situation

First things first, dive into your Shopify admin panel. Check out how your current URLs are structured. Understanding the default settings is key because, let's be honest, tweaking without understanding is like cooking without tasting.

Step 2: Redirects Are Your Friend

Before making any changes, think about setting up redirects. This way, you won’t lose traffic or SEO rankings from those who still stumble upon the old URLs. Shopify has built-in tools to help you set up redirects, which basically tell browsers, "Hey, we’ve moved this, but no worries, I'll take you there."

Step 3: Adjusting the URL Structure

Shopify doesn’t offer a native way to outright remove ‘/collections’ from URLs in its admin settings. So, we have to get a tad creative. The best approach here is to use an app from the Shopify App Store. Apps like “SEO Manager” or “Traffic Guard” can help you customize how your URLs are structured without diving into code.

  1. Install an SEO app—Go to the Shopify App Store, find an app that allows URL customization, and install it.
  2. Set up the app—Most apps will guide you through a setup wizard. Be sure to back up your store before making changes (just in case).
  3. Customize your URL structure—Follow the app’s instructions to remove the ‘/collections’ path. This will vary by app, but generally involves toggling a few settings.

Step 4: Test Everything

Once you’ve made the changes, don’t just hope for the best. Test your new URLs. Browse your store as if you’re a customer and click through various links. Make sure everything loads correctly and that old URLs redirect as expected.

Keeping The Ball Rolling - Maintenance

With all great changes, maintenance is key. Keep an eye on your site’s performance and check in on those SEO rankings. Sometimes, small shifts in URLs can cause ripples, and staying on top of these changes means you stay ahead of any potential issues.

Monitor and Adjust

Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor how your URLs are performing. Are they being indexed correctly by Google? Has your traffic or bounce rate changed? If things aren't improving, consider tweaking your approach or consulting with a Shopify SEO expert.

Wrapping Up With a Bow

Remember, the aim here is not just to fiddle for the sake of tweaking but to create a shopping experience that feels as polished and deliberate as the products you sell. Removing the 'collections' part from your URL is a detail—a small one, perhaps—but in a game of margins, details have a mighty role.

And with that, you’ve just made a substantial pivot towards a cleaner, more professional-looking Shopify store. Go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back, and then, maybe tweak some more—after all, a store, much like a website, is never really 'done.'

So, what’s your next move? Will you dive in and streamline those URLs, or is there another tweak you’ve got your eye on? Remember, just like building habits or shaping up software, every little change is a step towards betterment.