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Solving the Dawn Theme Puzzle Custom Video Backgrounds for Desktop and Mobile

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    Entaice Braintrust

Solving the Dawn Theme Puzzle: Custom Video Backgrounds for Desktop and Mobile

I remember that one bright afternoon, sipping some cold brew as snippets of a cascading digital waterfall played on my laptop. A landscape video that simply sang to the soul, its serene rushing waters accompanied by a lazy background jazz. I was in awe, yet as I pulled up the same site on my phone – the magic shattered. A tiny, crunched version of the waterfall-image – all essence gone. We all love our tiny handheld worlds, but sometimes the dimensions don't play nice. My partner, Tom, pipes in, "Wouldn't it be awesome if sites loaded a different video on mobile?" Little did Tom know, he had just inspired a crusade.

The Quest for Dual Video Nirvana

Let's be honest, there's a sweet spot distinct for mobile screens and our large, glorious desktop monitors. Dawn Theme does its best, but sometimes we need to give it a gentle nudge. Start by preparing two video files: a vertical masterpiece for phones and a sweeping panoramic for desktops. Keep them short, loopable, and with attention to detail like credits in a thrilling indie movie.

Here's the bit of magic you need – a tiny slice of code. First, ensure your Shopify site allows video uploads through assets or an external service like Vimeo. You'll load them with:

  1. Upload Videos: Go for Settings > Files in your Shopify Dashboard, upload both the vertical and horizontal versions.

  2. Edit the Custom Liquid Block: Code time! Navigate to Themes > Edit code. Open the sections directory and find a Liquid file connected to the homepage – maybe section-main-video-banner.liquid. If it doesn't exist, create one.

  3. Responsive Video Code: Now, slide this code in. It's like playing chef but in HTML/CSS. Like so:

        .desktop-video, .mobile-video {display: none;}
        @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
            .desktop-video {display: block;}
        @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
            .mobile-video {display: block;}
    <video autoplay loop muted playsinline class="desktop-video">
        <source src="{{ 'landscape-video.mp4' | asset_url }}" type="video/mp4">
    <video autoplay loop muted playsinline class="mobile-video">
        <source src="{{ 'portrait-video.mp4' | asset_url }}" type="video/mp4">

Both videos need to be crafted to loop forever – like a Möbius strip of wonder. Sprinkling on the styles ensures we only see what's meant for the device at hand, as if crossing one of those deeper metaphors about life choices and parallel universes.

Tailoring the Minimalist Touch

Ah, logos. They’re like our family crests, but digital. In this quest, the search and cart icons found a home, out of sight for now. Remember quietness feels nice at times. It's easy to take this minimalist route: venture into header.liquid and comment out or remove code lines linked to these icons:

{%- comment -%}
  <button type="button" class="search__toggle">
    <!-- Search icon code -->

  <button type="button" class="cart__toggle">
    <!-- Cart icon code -->
{%- endcomment -%}

Just comment them out – like putting moments on pause instead of delete 'til we're ready.

A Journey's Reflection

Each time we stretch our digital decor, pairing distinct visuals with cases that fit, we're illuminating that virtual space between your customers and their "aha!" moments. Isn't that the thrill of it all? With every tweak, there's that tiny whisper of shared accomplishments.

Let's surf through this brave wave of responsive design, knowing that whatever future device comes up, we're always ready. Keep crafting, keep learning, as Tom muses, "Keep those videos dancing." Do it with heart, and with eye-catching style, let each page load be its own celebration. We're right here, coding side by side with you. Let your imagination upload freely.