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Unlocking the Magic of Menu Badges in Shopify's Impact Theme

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    Entaice Braintrust

Unlocking the Magic of Menu Badges in Shopify's Impact Theme

A while back, when we first set sail on the vast ocean of e-commerce, we stumbled upon a quaint little store with an enchanting menu. It wasn’t the products that grabbed us, though they were dazzling. Nope, it was those nifty badges—tiny heralds proclaiming "New" and "Up to 30% Off!"—sprinkled liberally across their mobile menu. Imagine, dear friends, the sheer delight and rampant curiosity that coursed through us. “Can our shop do that too?” was the rallying cry. Thus began our odyssey into the land of customizations, where we learned that adding menu badges on Shopify’s Impact theme is not just possible, but delightfully simple.

The Quest for Custom Badges

Picture this: We’re huddled around a screen, sipping lukewarm coffee, sleeves rolled up. Determination in our eyes, we plucked up our courage and dove into the Shopify dashboard. It felt as if we were about to embark on a daring heist, but instead of jewels, we sought that elusive badge.

Step 1: First and foremost, let us gallivant over to our Shopify admin. A quick, confident click at Online Store and thence to Themes. The ground beneath felt sure. We sought the Impact theme—our ever-loyal companion—and selected Customize, our key to unlocking all things bespoke.

Ghosts in the Code

Our journey had not yet reached its climax. We had some code to navigate, a world both daunting and thrilling in its mysteries. But fear not—it's more of a friendly specter than a ghoulish phantom.

Step 2: Venture into the bowels of Shopify, by selecting Actions and then Edit Code. There! The world of liquid files stretches out before us. Navigating through them is akin to spelunking in a cave of wonder—or perhaps just a really cluttered attic.

Step 3: Seek out the Sections folder in the side menu, there you shall find the header.liquid file, flickering like a map to buried treasure. Click away to open it.

Casting the Badge Spell

Imagine if you will, us poring over lines of code, brow furrowed, fingers tapping out a rhythm of discovery. We were on the edge of something exciting—a revelation!

Step 4: Insert this little code snippet wherever you wish our badges to appear amidst those hallowed lines:

<span class="menu-badge">New</span>

This modest incantation, simple and yet so powerful, conjures the badge from the ether and places it snugly next to your chosen menu item.

Taming the Badge

The badge appeared, but it was shy, awkward, much like us on a first date. But through careful nurturing—by which we mean some simple CSS—it would soon emerge proud and resplendent, ready to announce to the world its message.

Step 5: Seek out your theme's CSS file, perhaps the theme.scss.liquid —fenny pathways towards customization. Paste the following, like adding a sprinkle of fairy dust:

.menu-badge {
  background-color: #ff4500;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 4px 8px;
  border-radius: 12px;
  font-size: 12px;
  margin-left: 5px;

We tweaked colors, sizes, even the border radius—we showed that badge who’s boss—until it fit our personal vision with mathematical precision.

The Joy of Discovering More

As we reflect, now that our shop's badges proudly declare their tales of newness and discounts, it feels like uncovering the perfect playlist for an evening party. It’s these small victories that add up, each badge a tiny pat on our collective back.

Together, on this shared journey, we’ve not only added function, but flair and personality to our digital store—much like accessorizing an outfit. And isn’t that the wonderful quirk about our e-commerce adventures? Always learning, always adapting, and finding humor and joy in the twists and turns. So here’s to more badges, more firsts, and many more moments of magic on our grand Shopify escapade!