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How to remove a product from a collection on Shopify

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    Entaice Braintrust

How to remove a product from a collection on Shopify

Looking to remove a product from a collection on Shopify?
No problem, we've got you covered below.

After that, if you're interested, we've also included a few of the principles we've used to create high-converting collection pages with the brands we work with.

Removing a product from a collection

For a manual collection

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.
  2. Click the name of the collection you want to edit
  3. In the "products" widget, click the "x" next to the name of the product you want to remove from the collection
  4. Hit "Save"

The product will be removed from the collection. But note: it will not be removed from all of Shopify.

For an automated collection

When you have an automated collection, you'll need to adjust the collection criteria to exclude the product you want to remove. The easiest way to accomplish this is to exclude the product based on the Product Title.

  1. From you Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.
  2. Click the name of the collection you want to edit.
  3. In the Conditions widget, select "Add another condition"
  4. In the new condition, specify "Product Title" and "is not equal to"
  5. Enter the product title in the text box
  6. Hit "Save"

This will exclude the product from the collection.

Our best practices for selecting products for a collection

Ensure all the products you select fit the collection's theme

No one likes a collection full of random products that don't relate to one another.

Include at least 20 to 40 products

Small collections work when you have a store that doesn't sell a ton of merchandise. But if you have hundreds of products on your store, make sure you're including at least 20-40 products within each collection. Having this level of product density in the collection gives users the ability to browse your selection to find something they might be interested in buying.

Include a variety of price points

Using all high price points or all low price points in a collection can send the wrong message - you either look like a luxury brand or a discount retailer. Include a variety of price points to meet the varying needs of your shoppers.