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How to Lock Up Your Shopify Collections with a Password

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey, so you stumbled upon the term: 'Shopify collection password' recently, right? I'm guessing you’ve got some products or collections on your Shopify store that you aren’t ready to reveal just yet. Or maybe, there’s a fancy, exclusive collection you want to keep under wraps for a select group of customers. Sound about right? Perfect, let’s talk about turning that idea into reality.

The Why and The What

First off, it’s pretty straightforward why you might want this. Maybe there’s an upcoming launch, and you’re stirring the pot — building anticipation but not ready to serve the feast. Or your store could cater to specific members (oh, exclusive!) and you use these locked collections as a perk. Whatever it is, setting up a password makes that collection a hidden gem, and not just anyone can stumble upon it!

Getting Started

So, how do you actually put this digital lock in place? Shopify doesn’t allow password protection on collections right out of the box. But, like a clever DIY project, there’s a workaround. You'll mostly handle this by tweaking themes and using apps. Think of it as setting up a little treasure chest inside your store.

Option 1: Use an App

This is your straightforward, no-fuss method. Use an app? Yes, really—as simple as plugging in a toaster.

  1. Shopify App Store: Head over there and look for apps related to ‘locking collections’ or ‘password protect’. Apps like Locksmith or EasyLockdown are champions for this reason.
  2. Install and Set Up: Pick one that best fits your budget and needs (they come with different perks and prices), install it, and follow their guide to setting up a password for specific collections.

The great thing here? These apps usually provide additional features, too, like locking specific products or even the whole site. Plus, they handle the tech-y part, so you don’t have to worry about messing up your store’s coding.

Option 2: Go Custom with Liquid

Alright, if you’re feeling a bit tech-savvy or you’ve got a developer friend, customizing your store’s Liquid files is a way to go. Shopify themes are built with a coding language called Liquid, developed by Shopify itself.

Let’s clip through the basics:

  1. Find the Right Files: Dive into your Shopify admin panel, go to ‘Online Store’ > ‘Themes’ and hit ‘Edit code’. You’re looking for files like collection.liquid or perhaps password-page.liquid.
  2. Modify and Condition: The idea is to add some condition checks; if the visitor has a specific tag or if they inputted the correct password. This might sound a bit quirky and playful, like setting up a little secret knock.
{% if customer.tags contains 'Exclusive Access' %}
  // Code to display the collection
{% else %}
  // Sorry, no peeks!
{% endif %}

The snippet above checks if the visiting customer has the tag 'Exclusive Access'. Simple but effective! However, remember, while this path gives you control and minimizes running additional apps, it does require careful coding. One wrong semicolon and it’s like spilling coffee on your puzzle—messy and disheartening.

Best Practices and Tips

Setting up your password-protected collection is only part of the journey. Here are some finer points to juggle:

  • User Experience (UX): Imagine walking up to a cool, mystery box. The excitement! Ensure your password prompt is friendly and feels like the start of an exclusive experience, not a stop sign.
  • Communication: Let your customers know why they're meeting a locked door. Maybe drop hints about what’s behind it through emails or on social media, creating a buzz.
  • Testing: Regularly testing to make sure the right people can access and others can’t. Think of it as routinely checking your locks at home.


Turns out, setting up a password for certain Shopify collections comes down to either using the right tool (like an app) or getting your hands a bit dirty with code. It’s more or less about sprucing up the place with a hidden section that not everyone gets access to, making it all a bit more intriguing.

Whether you go for the app method for ease and additional features, or dive into the DIY spirit of coding, your store's gonna have some cool, secret corners. Just make sure that those who should find the key, do, and that it opens up to something truly worthwhile.