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How to Show Off Your Shopify Collections on Product Pages

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    Entaice Braintrust

Hey there! If you’re poking around the internet trying to figure out how to get your Shopify collections to show up on your product pages, I’m guessing you’re looking to spice things up on your store. Smart move! Not only can this tweak make your site feel more integrated and seamless, but it can also tempt your visitors into buying more by showcasing the variety you offer. Let's walk through how you can make that happen, step by step.

Understanding the Need

Imagine you run a fashion store on Shopify. On one of your product pages for a cool summer shirt, wouldn't it be impactful if customers could also discover similar shirts or perhaps pants that match perfectly with it? That’s the power of displaying collections on product pages—it streamlines the shopping experience and potentially boosts your sales by cross-promoting products directly where customers are already engaged.

Tools of the Trade

Before diving into the how-to part, make sure you’ve got access to your Shopify admin account and some basic comfort with editing themes. If the thought makes you nervous, no sweat! The steps I’ll outline are pretty straightforward. You might also find the Shopify theme documentation helpful in case you get lost.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Get Your Bearings

First up, let’s understand where we’re heading. You’ll need to access the theme editor:

  1. From your Shopify admin, head to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme you want to edit, and click Customize.

Step 2: Choose Your Product Template


  1. Navigate to any Product page from the side preview pane or by selecting it from the top bar dropdown menu. You’re going to work directly on this template.
  2. Create or select a product template that you want to tweak. This template will be used to display the collection.

Step 3: Add the Collection Section

Here's the creative part:

  1. In the theme editor sidebar, click Add section.
  2. Look for something like “Collection list” or “Featured collection”. If your theme doesn’t have this, don’t worry, I’ll cover a workaround later.
  3. Click it and then add the collections you want to display.

Step 4: Customize Your Display

Almost there:

  1. Within the new section you added, there’s likely some room to adjust settings like the number of collections to show, how many rows, etc.
  2. Play around with these options until you get a look that feels right. Remember, the goal is to complement the shopping experience, not overwhelm it.

Step 5: Check and Publish

Before you hit that publish button:

  1. Preview the changes on different devices to make sure everything looks good on mobile and desktop.
  2. When satisfied, click Save, then Publish to make the changes live.

No “Collection list” Section? Here’s a Workaround

What if your theme doesn’t support directly adding collections to product pages? You might need to get a bit technical here, but I promise to keep it simple. You’ll need to edit your theme’s code:

  1. Back in the Online Store > Themes menu, click on Actions > Edit code.

  2. Find the file named product-template.liquid or something similar.

  3. Decide where you want the collections to appear. Usually, placing them under the product description makes sense.

  4. Insert a snippet that involves looping through a collection. Here’s a very simplified version:

    {% assign collection = collections['your-collection-handle'] %}
    {% for product in collection.products %}
      <!-- Customize how products are displayed -->
      {{ product.title }}
    {% endfor %}

    Replace 'your-collection-handle' with the actual handle of the collection you want to display.

  5. Customize how the products are displayed according to your theme’s style.

Wrapping Up

Potential bumps? Sure, you might find it tricky to decide on the best location for your collections on the product page or how to integrate the look seamlessly with your theme’s design. But take your time to experiment with placements and settings.

Displaying collections on product pages is like giving your shoppers a guided tour through your store, showing them gems they might otherwise miss. Take a shot at it, and who knows? Your next big sale might just be one well-placed collection away!

Remember, the key is in the details, so monitor how this change impacts your visitor behavior and sales. Adjust as needed. Go forth and make your Shopify store even more compelling!